
How To Tune A Piano

By |November 26th, 2020|Piano Lessons|

When you purchase a piano, there is one type of maintenance that is essential to its quality and longevity: tuning. It takes time, patience, a trained ear, and a lot of practice to master the art of tuning. It involves a lot more mechanical know-how and precision than tuning a guitar. But by learning to tune a piano yourself, you can save money on hiring someone else to do it. Better yet, you’ll be keeping [...]

What To Look For When Buying A Piano

By |November 26th, 2020|Piano Lessons|

There are many reasons why someone decides to buy a piano. Perhaps you want to start taking lessons and need an instrument of your own to do so. Or, you’ve been playing for years and decide that it’s time for an upgrade. Maybe your child is of age to start piano lessons and you’d like to buy an instrument for them. […]

How To Repair Your Piano

By |November 26th, 2020|Piano Lessons|

The piano may be your vessel to create beautiful and unique music. If there are problems with your instrument, you won’t be able to produce the elegant sounds that your heart sings with. In this post, we’re going to cover common problems that pianists encounter with their instruments. We will include some basic solutions, but many issues will require that you call in a professional piano repair person. […]

The Hardest Instruments To Learn & Why

By |November 18th, 2020|Music Lessons|

Mastering an instrument is an incredibly rewarding experience—but some musical instruments are easier to play than others. Perhaps you’ve been practicing for a while, and you’re looking for a greater challenge. Why not step outside of your comfort zone and pick up a new instrument? There’s no shortage of new things to learn in the world; don’t sell yourself short! Almost anyone can learn to play the instruments listed below, even though they’re more challenging [...]

10 Best Musical Instruments For Beginners

By |October 19th, 2020|Music Lessons|

The journey of learning music can be intimidating – how do you begin when there are so many options to choose from? When you start to play an instrument, you want a beginner-friendly one. To ease this process, we’ve put together a list of the instruments that are best-suited for new players:   Piano. Nearly every song has the piano in it, which allows beginners to find music they will enjoy playing. This instrument is [...]

Academy of Music Celebrates 30 Years With Online Expansion To Satisfy Increased Demand For Classes

By |October 15th, 2020|Music Lessons|

MANITOBA, Canada – The Academy of Music, one of the leading music lesson providers in Manitoba, Canada, is pleased to announce that they are celebrating their 30th anniversary. Formed in Winnipeg in 1990, the company has continued to grow and flourish over the years, and in the process, has taught thousands of people how to play musical instruments. The passion and dedication of the owners of the company remain undiminished. In response to increased demand [...]

The Benefits Of Online Music Lessons

By |August 26th, 2020|Online Music Lessons|

This year, online learning has become the new norm. Schools have closed and families have stayed inside in their efforts to maintain physical distancing. But for those who want to further their education during this time, the pandemic might stand in the way of their goals. Thanks to technology, there’s a solution to this problem – virtual lessons. They have risen in popularity since the outbreak of COVID-19. While some students will miss the intimacy [...]

Online Music Lessons – The Safest Way to Learn!

By |March 27th, 2020|Online Music Lessons|

This year we have gone from “business as usual” to extreme social distancing in only a matter of a few short months. The entire world feels like it’s on lockdown due to the coronavirus pandemic. Otherwise known as COVID-19, this virus has taken the world by storm, and has pushed a lot of people into a corner, wondering what they can do to achieve some sort of normalcy in their otherwise shaken up lives.With “social [...]

Where Does Your Taste In Music Come From?

By |March 13th, 2020|Music Lessons|

Have you ever wondered why people have different tastes in music? Some prefer slower, quieter music, yet some love their music fast and loud. Is it random? Are some of us predestined to like certain chord progressions over others? Does our DNA dictate our preferences between complex rhythms over simplicity? Are we born with a certain musical connection, pushing us towards certain styles of music? […]

Top 10 Love Songs

By |February 14th, 2020|Music Lessons|

What do you think of on Valentine’s Day? Your significant other? Cinnamon hearts? Roses that suddenly cost a lot more compared to any other time of the year? At Academy of Music, we’d like to take this opportunity to remember some of the greatest love songs ever written. It was impossible for us to mention all of them, and we could only scrape the surface, but here are our Top 10 Love Songs, to commemorate [...]

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